Knuchel Farben
Société mère avec production et développement pour la protection des bâtiments, le bois ainsi que des émaux pour véhicules et industrie.
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Stations d'Essence et Raffineries

1543 DOWALAST V Typ 4500

DOWALAST V Typ 4500 is a liquid 2-component topcoat sealer based on polyurethane resin with high weather resistance. The sealer is dense and resistant to a wide range of substances such as water, seawater, sewage, mineral oils, various fuels, as well as a variety of alkalis and dilute acids.The contact resistance is 0.2-0.8 * 105 Ω (measuring voltage 100 V) when applied correctly. This means that the coating is classified as conductive.
Article No. Description Contenu UV Cond. Pièce
1543.8 black 8 kg (1) bidon 
1544.2 Componente B, hardener Typ 9800 2 kg (1) bidon